How does a long-distance relationship with a Japanese woman work?

Isn’t it hard to get to know someone just online?

This is probably the main reason why OZMATCH male members feel uneasy about meeting Japanese female members.

For those who have used online dating platforms, they may have already made some mistakes or had bitter experiences with online dating, and they may not be comfortable with the idea of meeting women online anymore.

I totally understand it. Our Japanese female members have had the exact same experiences.

However, our Japanese female members are less concerned about the difficulties of long-distance relationships. I would like to say they are very brave. 😉

Our ladies are more concerned about whether the men are serious about finding a partner and that’s why they choose an introduction agency like OZMATCH, which checks its male members carefully.

I guess men who have tried online dating platforms, and had no success, probably felt insecure.  They are in the same place as our Japanese female members and did not move on from there.

A long-distance relationships becomes less difficult when you know her feelings

Many people say that long-distance relationships are hard.

But it’s not that long-distance relationships are hard, it’s that you don’t know if they are serious or not, or if they like you or not, which makes it feel hard.

How can you be so sure?

The fact that you have to look for a partner when you are not even sure if they are looking for a partner seriously in the first place is already a source of anxiety and stress for you.
It is difficult to build trust in such a situation.

The reason why so many couples have been born from OZMATCH is because:

It is clear that both parties are serious about finding a partner (a source of reassurance for you)
The information about her is verified to be true (another source of reassurance for you)
There is someone there to support the two of you in the relationship (e.g. we check her true feelings toward you on your behalf).

When all these things are in place, a long-distance relationship is not so difficult.
Trust me. I’m a matchmaker 🙂

Benefits of long-distance relationships

During the COVID, OZMATCH couples, Australian men and Japanese women, continued to talk only online, without seeing each other in person for more than a year.

Although the situation looks harsh from the side, the couples say that they are glad that they had a period of time when they could not see each other in person.


Usually, after a first date, they might have dinner together, and a few weeks later they might kiss or do more than kiss.
I don’t say that is bad. I kissed my husband after a few dates.

But my question is, How much quantity and quality of conversation did you have during that period?
You may not discuss important things, but only the feeling of liking each other may precede the relationship.

But most OZMATCH couples are in very long-distance relationships – Japan and Australia – and it takes between two and six months before they actually meet face-to-face.

All of the photos below right are from the first time they met face-to-face.
It’s a pity I can’t show you some of their faces, but don’t you get the feeling that it’s hard to believe that this is the first time you two have met?

During that time, they talk about many things to each other. They talk about their childhood, family, work, future, all kinds of things.
They have a lot of heart and brain conversations before they have a physical relationship. This later becomes the basis of their relationship.

Most of the couples said, “It doesn’t feel like the first time we’ve met, even though it was the first time we’ve met.” 

A number of Japanese female members are now visiting Australia over the New Year holiday to meet men with whom they have been in long-distance relationships.

This year they will have a Christmas to remember.

Are you looking for a Japanese woman ?

We are a licensed introduction agency based in Australia, supporting single men and single Japanese women who are looking for a long-lasting romantic relationship.

OZMATCH is suitable for those single men

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  • Men who find Japanese women attractive but are not sure how to meet them.
  • Men who feel that they are not compatible with Western women.
  • Men who have tried online dating to meet Japanese women but felt that it was a waste of time.
  • Men who want to have a permanent relationship with a Japanese woman who is willing to move to their country.
  • Men who may be shy or inexperienced when it comes to women.
  • Men who want a personalised Japanese matchmaking service with a real person assisting them.
  • Men who are interested in Japanese culture and want to enhance their experience through a Japanese partner.

If you are one of them, OZMATCH could be the platform to find the ideal Japanese partner you have been seeking for.

Sign up and let Japanese women know you exist!

Registration as a basic member is free.
It takes a few days from registration to approval, but once you are approved as a basic member of OZMATCH, you will be able to view the profiles (but not the photos) of Japanese female members.

Your profile is also viewed by our Japanese female members.

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If your profile is attractive, you will receive a request of a first date by our Japanese female members.

You will also be able to subscribe to Misao McBride’s emails “How to Meet Japanese women” for free.
People say they are very helpful to understand Japanese women and how to win the Japanese women’s hearts.

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