How can I meet a young Japanese woman who is seriously looking for a partner?

What advice do young men seriously looking for a Japanese partner want? About ten months ago, a young man contacted OZMATCH. This is his message. Dear Misao-san.I am very passionate about Japanese culture and I have learnt to speak and understand Japanese by watching anime when I travelled to Japan with my school friends.I am …

How can I meet a young Japanese woman who is seriously looking for a partner? Read More »

What to do when your date is rejected by a Japanese woman?

Rejection is one of most painful experiences  Rejection is a painful experience for anyone. Rejection from your girlfriend, rejection from your parents, rejection from your children, rejection from a job application… My husband does acting as a hobby and has had many auditions in the past. Actors get rejected all the time. I wonder how …

What to do when your date is rejected by a Japanese woman? Read More »

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